Home care and support services
Home Healthcare and Support Services
Consider if our home healthcare & support services are for you
We offer:
Palliative Care Services
When a cure is not a viable option, palliative and in-home hospice care provides holistic management to control pain and other symptoms. It is an ongoing assessment and relief of those symptoms. Since pain can be physical, spiritual, social and emotional, the hospice team works with existing nurses, physicians, family and hospital personnel to preserve the integrity of a dying person and family.
When is palliative and in-home hospice care the right choice? When a patient’s condition includes malignant or non-malignant diseases that no longer respond to aggressive curative therapy, and the patient’s life expectancy is six months or less.
What events trigger the decision for palliative and in-home hospice care?
There are a number of events that indicate the time is right for palliative care:
When does one begin to consider a “supportive care network”?
You should start thinking about it when the terminally-ill patient is still alert, able to function and enjoy daily living. Be prepared for the inevitable.
When do a palliative patient and family need intensive in-home care services?
The patient wants to be at home to receive home care service. A combination of government home care services and in-home care can give the client attention on a 24-hour basis.
For more information, please contact us